Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Harvest 2008-2009

Even as I write 2008-2009, I get goosebumps. This is their senior year! This is it. We have one more year to master Algebra, refine writing skills, and figure out where everyone is going to college! It is going to be an exciting year. Here are a few of the details.

Our curriculum is focused on college preparation. Each of our students has a few areas where they need extra time, so we are working to build that into our classes. Fall semester classes include Senior Math, British Literature, Government/Economics, College-Prep, and Sociology. We are excited for the kids to delve into some of these more mature subject areas.

They will also be involved in another fundraising project as we plan for our Fall Trip. This fall we are headed through Detroit to New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. I think this will be another incredible experience and opportunity to learn about our history firsthand.

We are excited to be joined by another student - Nicole Edwards. She has been close with both of us for the last few years and is actually living with Cassie currently. Nicole is a determined and committed student, and she will definitely be a blessing to our little community.

As we look forward to this last year, we ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting us financially. Please contact us if you need any information or have any questions.

Also, and most importantly, please pray for us. Pray that we would be good teachers and would prepare our students for what lies ahead. Pray that they would each seek God's plan for their life and would have the courage to follow Him. Pray that God would help us to love each other well and would bless the time we spend together for His glory.

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